What You’ll Need To Survive If You’re Caught Out In The Wild

You never know where you’re going to be when disaster strikes. Whether you’re stranded or the inevitable happens and you’re in the middle of nowhere. Survival isn’t just about making sure that you have your bug-out bag. It isn’t just about having your shelter ready. It’s also about being able to make it on your own and being able to survive in the wild. If you’re not sure how to do that, keep reading.


You’re not always going to have your bug-out bag handy with you when you’re out in the wild. Whether you’re hunting, scouting or simply on the road in less populated areas. That’s why it’s a good idea to have a mini-bag of useful tools with you. Tools that can help you purify water. That can keep you connected to radio stations. The best tactical flashlight you can use to navigate the wilderness. The best clothes to keep you sheltered from the elements. Even when you’re far from home, it’s a good idea to have these kinds of things with you.


You’re going to want to have some kind of food with you to keep you immediately supplied. But besides that, it’s a good idea to also have some notion of how to keep your own food. Especially if you have to stay out there for days on end. Besides recognizing what and how to forage successfully, finding yourself a good supply of protein is valuable. This is where hunting skills come into play. Perhaps more reliably is finding protein sources from water, however. Sources like being able to successfully fish for bass and bluegill.

Physical strength

If you want to be able to make it away from civilization (or if civilization crumbles), then you need to be prepared. Not just in terms of equipment and knowledge. You’re going to need a certain degree of fitness, as well. Traversing rough terrain, particularly if you have the kind of equipment you need, isn’t easy. Similarly, in the event of the breakdown of civilization and any ensuing violence, then you need to be in a position to defend yourself as well. After all, your gun won’t always be immediately handy. If you’re talking about survival, your physical condition plays a key role.


Of course, it’s more than just the skill to procure food and take of yourself physically you need. Being truly independent means developing a whole set of skills that most people today have forgotten about. Skills we once relied on that have gotten a soft as a result of civilized living. Skills like orienteering and being able to navigate all by yourself. Skills like locating the site and resources for a shelter as well as being able to build it yourself. Take constant trips into the wilderness to cultivate these skills. Do it before you’re caught entirely unprepared.

Surviving in the wild is about combining skills, knowledge and conditioning. You’re going to need to learn how to take care of yourself, even when your supplies aren’t immediately handy.

